We have Baby Boy with us at home! All thanks to a scheduled C-section experience and my abnormal ability to recover fairly quickly. Friday we left home bright and early to check in to the hospital by 6:30a.m. On our walk over (we live a 10 minute waddle from the hospital) the hubs even popped in for a quick Starbucks run, mind you I haven’t had anything for breakie coz I wasn’t allowed to eat past midnight. We were told we’d have a baby in hand by 8 a.m so everyone was eager.
Ofcourse that’s not how things rolled. We waited and waited for emergencies to go ahead of us and I was staaaaaarving. We were in the triage room with other moms and moms to be who were rigged up to monitors or being induced but luckily I was told I could just wait in my regular clothes and was allowed to walk around. Though some of them were allowed to eat and drink , which was NOT COOL with me. Finaaaaaaally around 2 p.m we go the sign that we MAY be next in the lineup… wohoooooooooo.

It was a way different experience this time around. Unlike with the first time (read all about the drama here) we knew what to expect and were just waiting to get the show on the road. By three p.m. we were decked out in our hospital gear and being prepped for the surgery. Last time I really did not remember laying on the table whilst they cleaned me out but that’s exactly what happened here. Since I was on a spinal tap vs. an epidural I did not have the crazy shakes or feel like my lungs were collapsing.Instead I was just frozen from boobs to toes, though I could feel touch and pressure. Which was really weird when they pulled Baby Boy out… I imagine that’s what jello feels like when we dig and prod it! I was aware and totally present in the current situation. Ofcourse it’s surgery so it is daunting no matter what. But when the anesthesiologist complements you on your eyes, it’s hard to think too dire a situation could ensue. Also when another anesthesiologist tells the hubs to pull his camera out and take a video or them pulling the baby out (and my guts on the table), you know things are going well!
All in all there was a lot of waiting around for things to happen and it was over 7 hours by the time we got to hold Baby boy from when we had THOUGHT we’d have him in hand. Apollo Thehan Dante Murphy was born at 3:49 p.m, weighing 8 pounds and healthy. We were hoping to get a private room but with all the emergencies that went ahead of us, we were last in the line up which meant that I once again had to share a room for the first night. BRUTAL. They had a crying baby and throat clearing dad who kept waking us up whilst our Baby Boy slept through the night. Ironically, the second night when we got our own room (don’t even get me started on the additional $300 a night for a private room – no hotel amenities but you do get your privacy which is key), our Baby Boy decided he was going to wake up every hour on the hour. BAH!
I don’t know how I manage to speed up my recovery but the nurses kept saying that they were super impressed. I was even let out early! So here’s some tips and goals I set for myself post surgery if you’re considering a c-section. Mind you it just may be that I have a weird body that heals really quickly and following these suggestions may still leave you SOL. Also while I’m only taking regular tylenol and I’ve walked back from the hospital less than 48 hours after the c-section, I am still in pain. A walk that took me 6 minutes pre-pregnancy and was 10 minutes waddle during my 9th month, took me a good 18 minutes after delivery. So keep all those points in mind.
- Ask for sutures instead of staples. This is my MAIN advice. The stitches dissolve and you can technically leave on day three provided all other stats are completed. Whilst with the staples you need the 4th day in the hospital is what I’ve been told. Many docs, all of whom I trust do say that recovery wise they haven’t seen any difference between staples and sutures. Either ways, that’s one extra day you’ve saved yourself. So ensure everyone you meet along the way knows you want sutures. YES even when you’re on the operating table!
- Get walking on the very first day. I don’t care if you have a catheter tied to you, just WALK. It’s going to be painstakingly slow but just do it and ensure you do it often. Go to the ice machine. Go check out the nurses station. I don’t care where, just GO! Let your visitors sit on the bed but you get moving around the room and the ward. Walking around will also help you with the next bullet point!
- Make peeing, farting and pooping your sole targets for the next two days (well and ofcourse bonding with your baby, but that will hopefully come naturally ;)). These are three vital stats that give the docs confidence in your recovery. Drink plenty of fluids and get moving so that the gas can escape. Gas may not escape from where it used to – just a heads up!
- Do something that makes you feel ‘normal’ – I didn’t realize this but once again I have to thank an unwanted roommate for shedding some light to this point. I ensured that even though I wasn’t allowed to shower till day 2, I brushed my teeth, ran my hand through my hair, wore a dress and had make-up on 4 hours post delivery. I was dressed the same as I would to go run a quick errand, nothing fancy. It helped me feel better which in turn gives you confidence too. And docs and nurses go by looks too – don’t think otherwise! I over heard my roommate (who had a regular delivery) say that she brought make up and a hair dryer thinking she’d want to get dressed up but that she really had no desire. It was when I heard her say this (and I was dressed up at this point) that I realized that you have to force yourself to be the usual you. Don’t let yourself go, even though you may want to be lazy. Make the effort it will make you feel way better. TRUST ME!
So there you go! Those were my targets for the past two days. We’re home now and ready to see what the next week brings. Probably not much walking around but with plenty of activities to get on the road to full recovery!
October 28, 2013 at 7:43 pmCongrats !! welcome home to ur little man!
I also had c sections 2 – one emergency with baby 1 and planned with baby 2. I had staples both times and left the hospital on day 2. I couldn’t have stayed at the hospital
any longer lol.
October 30, 2013 at 10:54 amthat’s awesome that they let you go on day 2! At Toronto’s St, Mikes they said they don’t allow it unless there’s a midwife involved. Different rules everywhere I guess.
October 29, 2013 at 8:57 pmYAY!! Congrats! Wow you are one super woman! That was a really long day without food and you DO recover quick!
November 4, 2013 at 5:00 pmHow does a girl look so freaking good going in to a C-section?? You’re an amazing inspiration, Yashy… I’ve never met such an amazing young Mom xoxo
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