Tips & Tricks
Family travel can be daunting but it need not be. We decided to jump right in when we became parents because that’s the life we know. A life of travel even as kids ourselves. From that first flight with a baby to that first flight as a family of four, we learned a lot and picked up many tips & tricks. Like how explosive poops on planes can be and how to prevent your arm from going numb when holding a baby on a long haul flight.
In Canada we can tell you about where to find the best beaches in Cape Breton and hidden gems like Magdalen Islands. More importantly, we can tell you all about the best headphones for kids and the best swim goggles!
We also do a fair bit of multi-generational travel so there’s MANY lessons learned there too! Read on, we will tell you about the best baby monitor and how diapers can get you around the world!
During these pandemic times we share about the best face masks for kids and tips we’ve picked up travelling during COVID. We have tips & tricks galore!