A Very Mommy Wine Festival #momsTOwineFestival | Giveaway

momsto wine festival

Many moons ago around the time this blog was born I remember hunting down my own group of moms to hangout with during my maternity leave. I didn’t find what I was looking for so I ended up gathering the moms in my building in downtown Toronto and we hung out at play dates, free drop-in classes and occasionally on weekends together with our hubbies. The group soon relied on me to bring the drinks and mix up the cocktails for each of our gatherings and five years later, we still hangout! I had toyed with the idea of expanding our group but never really got the balls or stamina to do that. When I recently heard about momsTO through my friend Natty, I was very curious to learn more despite my maternity days being long over!  They’re hosting Toronto’s first Mom & Baby Wine Festival on September 13 and we have a pair of tickets up for grabs. Listen Up! Lend me your ear (stop and stare?).


momsTO is a grassroots organization charged with reinventing how Toronto women spend their maternity leave and hosts monthly meetups across the GTA at Toronto’s top restaurants and eateries with delicious wine and wide variety of guest experts.


So what can you expect at the Mom & Baby Wine Festival?

On September 13, 2017, the Artscape Wychwood Barns is where you want to be if you have a baby on your hip. Over 500 moms and babies will gather (don’t worry, not at the same time!) to celebrate motherhood and enjoy some wine responsibly while meeting fellow moms and learning about brands like Bugaboo Strollers, FLOW water, Ikea, Joe Fresh, Poppy’s Collection, Mommy Connections West Toronto, Rebel Babies, The Mom RANT, Cineplex and more. It starts at 11:30 a.m. and goes on until 5:00 p.m. so you can drop in according to your baby’s schedule (I personally would go during nap time so I can focus on the fun while my baby sleeps in the baby carrier- but that’s only coz my kids loved to sleep on the go). You will have the chance to mix and mingle and speakers will be around if you want to chit chat with them (perhaps ask them for advice while you sample from over 26 varietals of wine from across the globe?). I heard that Rebel Babies will have music classes for kids! Heck, you could even trust your baby with the on-site childcare if you want to roam around sans baby for a bit! You will leave with awesome swag bags and  raffle prizes (if you buy tickets) and there will be stroller parking if you wish to baby wear (it’s my favourite way to double fist!).  If you bring your car seats momsTO will have UBER discounts for a safe ride back home!

Moms who drink

Most importantly, proceeds from the momsTO Wine Festival will go to support a worthy The New Mom Project. This charity outfits mothers in need with all they require for the early years of motherhood- inspired by Europe’s baby box.  I’ve been following the The New Mom Project since Baby Boy was born 3 years ago and can tell you that it’s definitely one to learn more about.

I’m thrilled to support this millennial mom movement that celebrates and supports new moms in a safe, wine filled space. I mean. if you’ve been with us on our parenting journey from the start, you know it’s our hangout sessions with our friends and maintaining our pre-baby lifestyle post-baby that has got us through the challenging journey that is motherhood, fatherhood and everything in-between since having Little Monkey and Baby Boy! (PSA- Moms don’t forget your girlfriends!). If this is your first time here, perhaps you’d like to check out some of the wine tours we’ve done since our kids were infants! Oh and this chart may be helpful if you’re drinking and breastfeeding!

We have a pair of tickets up for grabs if you’re in Toronto on September 13th! Enter below for a chance to win and Good Luck Mama! Cheers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • Jazz
    August 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm

    This sounds like so much fun!

    Thanks for sharing the info!! Passing along to my mommy group now!!!!

    • Yashy
      August 23, 2017 at 5:43 am

      Thanks Jazz! Sounds like a great time for sure!

  • Katherine
    August 23, 2017 at 4:36 pm

    Wow they really thought of everything! Sounds fun.

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