Breastfeeding Monitor #MilkSense

As you may know our breastfeeding days are over and in the last month I’ve had to hop on a few planMilkSense, breastfeeding monitor, is my baby drinking enough milk?es with Baby Boy and I was a bit anxious about not having access to the boobs which always calmed him down. It was a whole different ball game having to pack plenty of snacks and extra bottles of whole milk to ensure he stayed calm and that we minimized the effect of air pressure on his gentle ears. On these flights I couldn’t help but go down memory lane and think of my breastfeeding days – both the good and the troublesome! A friend of mine recently told me about a new breastfeeding monitor that launched this month in the U.S and it sounds like JUST the item I would have purchased. MilkSense is a personal breastfeeding monitor that not only helps answer the question “did I feed them enough” but actually maps things out for moms.


Disclosure : I am part of the #MilkSense campaign and have received special perks as part of my association, but as always, opinions are totally mine.


MilkSense is the monitor which also comes with a baby scale (Bscale) and those two items together will help many breastfeeding moms reduce the anxiety  around producing enough milk. The video below demonstrates the process of measuring the milk content per boob, both before and after a feed. How amazing is it that the monitor tells you which side you fed off the last time and the amount of milk that they drank during the previous feed? Gosh, I remember those crazy days when I had to track things on the app. I would often forget to key the details in and I barely managed to do it for two months the second time around.



weighing Baby at homeAnother very cool item is the Bscale. Don’t laugh but we did put Little Monkey on our food scale once, out of desperation. This Bscale is similar to a luggage scale but instead of a beer filled suitcase you’re weighing your milk filled baby in their car seat! Genious! Everything is then tracked through an online program that works on  your computer (not available on other devices yet). The program tabulates your feeds, baby’s weight and all sorts of interesting figures and captures them in pretty charts that will have excel spreadsheet loving moms, such as myself, in true rapture. This chart would be so helpful when you go in for those check ups and the doctor asks you all sorts of questions (or atleast mine did/do as both Baby Boy and Little Monkey are on the lower end of the weight scale). I can never remember how many times they fed or what their poop colour was…I barely remembered if I ate before I came in for the visit!


Of course I haven’t tested this out myself, I do wonder about how convenient the monitor would be to use especially during the wee hours of the night. It does seem to be quite compact so it would be great for travel. I know a few moms who will be testing this out in January and I’ll be sure to update this post with a link to their reviews once they’re up! MilkSense will soon be available at select US Walmart stores and is already available on retailing around the $199 mark.

As a breastfeeding mom, did you worry about your production levels?

If you’d like to join the conversation and learn more about #MilkSense join us for a Twitter party on January 15th. Sign up below and you could win one of nine Walmart gift cards or a MilkSense unit!

milksense twitter party

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