Yashy Born in Sri Lanka raised in Dubai, Bahrain, Pakistan, U.S, Australia and England, I now find myself settled in Toronto. Passions include wine, dining out, cooking, cocktailing, travelling, hunting for random fun events in the city and now… exploring all things family related. With two kids under the age of 12 we continue to explore everything that fascinates us! Our goal is to encourage young families to maintain the pre baby life, post kids. Having dined out and traveled to over 200 cities in over 20 countries since the first baby was born in 2011, we encourage you to travel and enjoy the culinary offerings in your own city!
Chris When Yashy launched Baby and Life (now known at Parenting to Go) while on Mat Leave in 2011, I never envisioned being able to maintain such an audacious, at times hectic, life outside of our Downtown Toronto haven. As Yashy and I have continued to explore new activities and culinary experiences inside and outside of Toronto, I knew I needed to begin telling our stories from the Dad’s perspective. Our hope is that you will find this site to be both informative and inspirational, and if you have kids, or plan to, and are concerned that life as you know it ends at parenthood, we are here to tell you why that simply isn’t true.
July 22, 2020 at 12:47 pmGreat resources to teach kids about other countries