The Journey to Health Part 5 : Focusing on Exercise

Toronto sunriseMuch has happened since my last update and while I’ve taken positive steps towards exercise, I have sadly gone down a rabbit hole when it comes to my diet. Part of this journey is sharing the good and the bad with you and so I’m back with an update! Last we chatted about my health I was doing very well when it came to my diet and avoiding gluten, dairy and soy but looking back on the last three weeks, all I’ve done is eat all the stuff I wasn’t supposed to. I blame that on the travelling we’ve been doing but it really shouldn’t be an excuse, should it?




If you missed my previous updates…

Click here to read about why I started this journey and my issues.

Click here to read about why I decided to work with a Naturopathic Doctor.

Click here to read about the small changes I started with.  

Click here to watch my shopping experience with a Naturopathic Doctor.


Diet Update

Sudbury food, burgers

We’ve been on road trips and it’s so hard for me to steer clear of the baked goods that can be found in small towns and truth be told, it isn’t always easy to find gluten and dairy free meal options in those small towns either. Summer has meant many patio sessions and dining out at restaurants and I’ve used those outings as excuses to indulge. That will power I had harnessed has disappeared and I need to go back on a strict 60 day session to reset my body again. Next week I’m home for the most part and plan to go back to my regular diet. Yes guys. I’m calling the no gluten, no soy and no dairy regime my REGULAR diet. That’s an improvement right? Going back on dairy totally put my period back on whack mode and so I know that it’s the dairy that’s causing my irregular periods. Why must cheese be so darn delicious?



Exercise Mission

My main mission for June was to focus on getting back into the gym or taking a class and on that front I have been very successful. I found a Groupon for a boot camp in downtown Toronto that’s close to our condo and one that a very close friend of mine has been attending for years. She had glowing reviews and so I purchased an unlimited monthly pass for $38. That was an amazing investment because I went hard and really started loving my 6 a.m workout sessions. The female instructors are amazing and really ensure you get a full work out. I love that the classes at Gordy’s Bootcamp really push you to your limits and that each class is different. They change up the exercises so you never know what you’re going to be doing and it’s truly a community of ladies (and a few gents) who hold you accountable and encourage you to keep trying. Being the newest member I was unable to do much that first week but the encouragement kept me going. I attended 3 classes a week for the first three weeks but only managed to get to one on the last week. I’ve missed turning up for those work out sessions and I actually love that my muscles hurt the following day because the boot camp keeps hitting different muscles during each session and that’s just what I need. Even though my diet was off, I was still able to get a workout and burn way more calories than I would usually so I haven’t put on any weight. Weight was never my original goal but it’s a nice perk.


Next step is to get back to the boot camp AND my regular diet once I get back from Cape Breton in mid August. Perhaps I can be good until the Christmas holidays, what say you? Do you think I can hold out that long? I probably should go meet my Naturopath too!



  • kristen visser
    July 14, 2018 at 9:52 am

    Good on you for making those changes and knowing what you need to do to live a healthier lifestyle. I will be joining you in the journey of change after baby girl decides to make her appearance which is hopefully in the next couple of days. I too haven’t been eating the greatest and use the pregnancy card when i have a donut for breakfast, chocolate bar before bed and the occasional greasy takeout. that will all change soon! good luck hun! you got this

    • Yashy
      July 15, 2018 at 11:11 pm

      I know that the struggles are hard but don’t you start worrying about that just yet.. focus on enjoying the pregnancy and sending positive vibes for a healthy delivery and speedy recovery!

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