Date night for Mom & Dad

Sometimes we just need a break…if you’re looking for a date night in Toronto, we have some fun ideas. From dining at restaurants to dancing the night with friends, our date nights might be far and few in-between but they’re much needed and anticipated!

One of our favourite things to do in Toronto is to go restaurant and bar hoping and Yashy especially loves those hidden bars around the city! With the restaurant scene in constant flux in Toronto, our date nights mostly revolve around checking out the nest spots. We even dined in a gold shipping container recently! Chris isn’t a spa guy but even he is a fan of the Nordik spa and one day they hope to take the kids to Outaouais now that they know they had a great parent’s weekend there.

Taking time away from the kids is highly recommended and gives parents the chance to reconnect, plan and revel in the calm. Of course if you take a long enough break, you’ll notice that you miss those rugrats and the energy they bring to your family.

Also, don’t forget that a date night with your gal pals or a momcation is also a good date night, even if your partner isn’t with you! From a mom’s getaway in the city to a holiday in Florida, Yashy’s constantly finding ways to live that balanced life. She has no guilt in going to Disney World without the kids, that’s for sure!

Once a year we also try to getaway on a parents’ escape and checking into luxury Toronto hotel or crossing the border for a food-filled weekend is always welcomed.

Even during the pandemic there are safe ways to sneak out without the kids and stay entertained! Nudge Yashy on Instagram if you have more questions!

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