Tips & Tricks

Family travel can be daunting but it need not be. We decided to jump right in when we became parents because that’s the life we know. A life of travel even as kids ourselves. From that first flight with a baby to that first flight as a family of four, we learned a lot and picked up many tips & tricks. Like how explosive poops on planes can be and how to prevent your arm from going numb when holding a baby on a long haul flight.

In Canada we can tell you about where to find the best beaches in Cape Breton and hidden gems like Magdalen Islands. More importantly, we can tell you all about the best headphones for kids and the best swim goggles!

We also do a fair bit of multi-generational travel so there’s MANY lessons learned there too! Read on, we will tell you about the best baby monitor and how diapers can get you around the world!

During these pandemic times we share about the best face masks for kids and tips we’ve picked up travelling during COVID. We have tips & tricks galore!

We’re Packing Our Bags!

We’re Packing Our Bags!

148 Day Trip
After three months we finally have updates for you (and ourselves!!). Renting our condo was no easy task but I’m glad to report that we
How to Justify an Extended Family Trip

How to Justify an Extended Family Trip

148 Day Trip
Regular readers of this site will know that our family plans to embark on a months long journey to Europe. For how many months is
Big News!! Changes on our Horizon

Big News!! Changes on our Horizon

148 Day Trip
We have news!! After many years of nagging the hubs, he’s finally giving in to my crazy idea of leaving Toronto! Don’t worry though, we’re
Impromptu Dance Parties with the #LGP5 | Giveaway

Impromptu Dance Parties with the #LGP5 | Giveaway

Keeping kids engaged is a full time job, and in our home, that role is alternatingly performed by Yashy, the Little Monkey’s school teachers, our
A Ten Day Drive Through Sri Lanka #MurphysDoSriLanka

A Ten Day Drive Through Sri Lanka #MurphysDoSriLanka

South Asia
Travelling through Asia with kids takes some extra effort and as with all our trips, I had a bit of an agenda I wanted to
Hard Travels Through Sri Lanka #MurphysDoSriLanka

Hard Travels Through Sri Lanka #MurphysDoSriLanka

South Asia
Our eleven days of driving through Sri Lanka comes to a speedy end tonight, and we’re gearing up for our loooong flight back home to
Lounge Access Saves the Day, AGAIN #MurphysDoSriLanka

Lounge Access Saves the Day, AGAIN #MurphysDoSriLanka

Tips & Tricks
Travelling with young kids can be daunting as we all know, but having done quite a few trips with our two kids, I thought I
Asia Travel Plans and Flight Fears

Asia Travel Plans and Flight Fears

We’ve finally booked our tickets to Asia!!! We have Sri Lanka lined up for most of December with a layover in Shanghai thanks to a
Getting Around Toronto with Kids

Getting Around Toronto with Kids

Around Toronto
Living in downtown Toronto with two small kids has presented some challenges, especially when it comes to escaping the downtown core of this sprawling region. Toronto’s
Travel Remedies for Young Kids #ONatural

Travel Remedies for Young Kids #ONatural

During the Christmas holidays we visited a friend of ours who is well versed in natural remedies and during our visit Little Monkey was complaining